Ut ad continue develop novum fora et novi customers, nos producat professionalem, altum qualitas faux furrure fabricae / II layer Bonded fabricae / furrure vestimenta sua / Sueds Texts MMIII.
In continua progressionem Internet technology, sit mundus minor et minor, sit distantia non est quaestio:
Fiat omne fieri potest, Venite in occursum magis et mokre qualitas customers ab toto orbe terrarum.
In nuper December MMXIX, ego accepi a Voca a India emptor qui inveni nostro contactus FM Penitus, in phone, et interrogavit si nostro Furr Fuga Furria Fur, Top Top Top: Fur, duo-color flocculat, et alia idoneam fake furrure potest adhiberi vestimento torquem et torulo.
as a world-famous faux fur factory with 20 years history of production, we have various of customers all over the world which place big quantity of faux fur orders with us every year, so for each order, we had some rolls of faux fur fabrics left fm their orders, so after one year, there are a considerable number of stock of our faux fur fabrics, we stacked neatly in our warehouse, waiting to be picked by customers from all over the Mundi qui volunt in stock.
On the phone, I explained that we had enough faux fur stock to sell to them, and added to each other on Wechat, then sending pictures of our current fur stock, warehouses, and short videos of products, and purchasing quantities according to customers'wishes, quoted a good price for our stock of synthetic furs.
As they are our new customer who never met with us before, we invited them to our faux fur factory Warehouse and make Selection and container loading face to face, as the customer is very satisfied with our high efficiency in the field of artificial fur, also they are very interested in the pictures, videos, quantity and price of the artificial fur stock we sent, so they booked the flight to China on the same day.
A septimana post, et pervenit ad aeroportus in meridiem Ianuarias III, MMXX, una cum comitatu scriptor bulla et acquisitionem procurator.
Lorem spent totius diei Ian IV ad diligenter selectio in 1 CELLA, eligens eorum ventus artificialis furrure stirpe bona, in totalis quantitas magis quam (IX) D Meter, cum totalis quantitas, in Coles, Burgundia Coles, Coles Col.
High-finem imitatio vulpes furrure, classic nigrum album, furrure-praefixa tincta tincto aurum vulpis furrure, argentum vulpes furrure, hyacintho fox fix et varietate clara colores vulpes vulpes et varietate alias colores artificialis vulpes et varietate colores artificialis Fox et alias colores artificialis Fox et varietate colores vulpes vulpes et varietate colores vulpes vulpes.
Etiam mos lectus quidam tip tinctionum imitatio lepus capillus sentire admodum mollis, capillus superficies est valde CRINITUS quod est valde ad realem lepus capillus.
The customer marks each roll of faux fur fabric they like, counts the total number of pieces, gross net weight, volume, and then we arrange the workers in the warehouse to select out one by one roll, and stack them together, at the same time, we arranged our international freight forwarder to book the first 40-foot container in time. Portus de destination erat Mumbai portum designatur a elit.
Ex 9:00 AM 2:00 AM in January 5th, in continens est sucusfully loaded et uit in Ianuarii 8.
De mane die Ianuarii 6, in elit ad secundam CELLA eligere nostri fake furrure textilia ad 2nd continens,
this time the faux fur fabric stock are far more than artificial raccoon fur, artificial fox hair, artificial rabbit hair, there are many other novel varieties, such as artificial wolf fur, faux dog fur, man-made mink fur, synthetic seal hair, fake Goat hair, artificial Mongolian fur, man-made Horse hide, faux cow hide, fake beaver hair fur, artificial pheasant fur , Faux Karakul Pulvis Fur, homo-Fige Fur, post totius diei conatus in January 6th, in elit selected de 10,000 metris de fake, in secundo XL-pede continens, in Ianuarii VII.
Ex III PM Eo die January VII ad 6:30 PM Eodem die, in loading est complevit et sit amet erit in January IX.
Post loading, customers erant valde satisfacit professionalem opus et excelsum efficientiam
Ut celebrarent victoria eorum 1 iter ad Sina, tenendum parva victoria convivium in deversorium ad vesperam.
Doneched duo lateribus, simul, diu terminus amica cooperantem relationem constitutum.
De mane Ianuarii 8th post quinque-die maneat in Sina, in client volavit in India cum sensu satisfactio et voluptatem.
Cum duo alta vasis pervenit in India post XX diebus et customers purgatas consuetudines et accepit bona in tempore, secuti sunt in Sales customers. Sicut FAUX furrure textilia in Customers'Choice erant cheap et bonum, ipsi erant valde vulgaris in loci foro, mox vendidit, teloneariorum, quod in omni mensis ad artificialem furrure fabricae, sunt novum ordines ad nostram subsidium, opus simul cum illis ad creare-win-vincere, vincere, cum illis ut creare-win-win.
Post tempus: Jun, 24-2020