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Intelligentes airbag Anti- lapsum Vestis pro senioribus

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Features of the TOTAL CURA Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest:

A. Fabrica totius curae anti-lapsi vestis levis et spirabilis est, bonum gerens effectum habet et ad induendum commodus est.

Intelligent airbag Anti- ruinam Vest (I)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (3)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (6)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (8)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (2)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (7)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (5)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (4)
Intelligent airbag Anti- ruinam Vest (I)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (5)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (10)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (5)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (7)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (2)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (3)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (4)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (8)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (9)

B. TOTAL CURA Argutus Anti-lapsum Vestis habet excelsum

intelligentes amplificat. Cum chip captiosus sentit corpus humanum gravitatem amisit

ob imprudentiam lapsum, illico sacculum aereum aperit intra 0.1 secundis ut senis caput, pectus, dorsum, etc.

Tutela scapularum, vertebrarum cervicalium, et coxas coxas, senes custodias incolumes.

Intelligent airbag Anti- ruinam Vest (I)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (2)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (3)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (4)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (5)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (6)

C. Praeter tutelam tutandam post lapsum, TOTAL CURA Intelligens Anti-lapsum Vestem etiam plenam amplitudinem habet.de intelligentibus

munera vigilantia.Sive domi sive foris, plena tutelae functiones agit pro amicis senibus.

Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (3)
Intelligent airbag Anti- ruinam Vest (I)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (2)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (5)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (6)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (4)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (4)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (5)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (6)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (11)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (10)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (13)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (12)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (7)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (8)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (9)
Intelligent airbag Anti- ruinam Vest (I)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (2)
Intelligent airbag Anti-fall Vest (3)

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